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Rest Day and Stage 10

Team Fuquette’s Rest Day in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Today’s weather was much like yesterday, with pouring rain. While most every other team tried to fight the weather all day in the parking lot of the host hotel, we found a dry workspace in the covered front of a local tire store down the road that was closed for the day. On the agenda for the day for was catching up with some much-needed maintenance.
Over seven hours we changed the rear tire, replaced the rear band brake (as the previous set was worn to the rivets holding the lining on), fixed a leak in the left side fuel tank, replaced the primary chain and rear chain, pulled the rear wheel hub apart for cleaning and repacked it with grease, swapped out the stock Harley Davidson intake valve pocket assemblies for brand new pockets precision machined from MoldStar Bronze (utilized in professional racing circuits), adjusted the valves, clutch and brake linkages, and fixed a few other odds and ends. With all that work completed, our ‘28 is now ready to continue on to the border of Mexico.

Tomorrow we resume putting down miles, with just over 200 on our way to Birmingham, Alabama. Forecast calls for more rain, so it will likely be another tough day.


Stage 10 - Cancelled