Stage 4: Dayton, Ohio to Charleston, West-by-God, Virginia. 209 Miles.

Stage 4: Dayton, Ohio to Charleston, West-by-God, Virginia. 209 Miles.

We said goodbye to the flat lands of Ohio today and headed towards our first pass over the Appalachian Mountains. Shortly after passing Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside of Dayton OH, we (unintentionally) decided that today’s route simply wasn’t long enough and made a 16 mile addition to the course with a few more turns than were called for.
.Dayton, OH sunrise before taking off on the Motorcycle Cannonball
Once back on course, it was a tense hour or two of hard riding to catch back up on our time table for the day. This is, after all, a race….
The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, save for a fuel vapor locking issue that has cropped up on our ‘28. Tonight’s hosted dinner stop was provided by Harley Davidson of West Virginia and we were treated to a great italian dinner before the Charleston WV Police Department provided an escort for all riders through the city to get to our respective hotels.
Tonight’s wrenching was tame, and mostly just maintenance. The roads today were rough enough to shake the headlight bulbs out, but that’s an easy-enough fix. Tomorrow morning begins early for a 260 mile journey through Appalachia and promises to be beautiful and scenic as we travel to Danville, Virginia.
Team Fuquette wrenching away on the motorcycle cannonball