Stage 6: Danville, Virginia to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 238 Miles.
Stage 6: Danville, Virginia to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 238 Miles.
All completed successfully.
Another day, two more states added to the list. Our ‘28 ran like a dream all day long, with the exception of some semi-stale gas we picked up at the first fuel station. Lunch today was hosted by Cox's Double Eagle Harley-Davidson in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Following lunch we battered our way through heavy traffic in town and somehow prevented the clutch or motor from burning up. The scenic farmlands we have passed have transitioned from crops of corn and beans to cotton and peaches. Late in the afternoon our group was hit by a surprise rain storm which helped cool us and the bikes off in the South Carolina heat.Dinner this evening was hosted by Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson and we had a great time catching up with friends who rode and drove down to see the circus.


What was meant to be an easy night of maintenance before relaxing on the beach and celebrating the fact that we rode our 93 year old Harley here from the Canadian border instead turned into a several hour long parking lot surgery to replace the 28’s generator in order to get the charging system working again. This involved pulling the gear case cover, primary cover, clutch control and floorboard before installing the new generator, wiring it all in, and resetting the ignition timing on the engine. Close to 10:30 this evening we wrapped up, fired it up, and ran to jump in the Atlantic Ocean under the cover of darkness. Today marks the furthest east point of the Motorcycle Cannonball.


Tomorrow our group begins yet another 250 mile day onward to Greenville, South Carolina.